
  • Czech Nuclear Regulatory Body SUJB Prague – ESTE Dukovany, ESTE Temelin, ESTE EU
  • Czech Nuclear Regulatory Body SUJB Prague – ESTE Annual Impacts Temelin, ESTE Annual Impacts Dukovany
  • SE a.s. (Slovakia) – ESTE Mochovce, ESTE Bohunice, Simulator ESTE SIM Mochovce, ESTE Annual Impacts Bohunice, ESTE PL Mochovce, ESTE PL Bohunice
  • JAVYS a.s. (Nuclear and Decommissioning Company, Bohunice site, Slovakia) – ESTE Annual Impacts Bohunice
  • Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic - ESTE UVZ, ESTE Annual Impacts UVZ
  • Kozloduy NPP – ESTE Kozloduy (the Crisis Emergency Centre of Kozloduy NPP, Bulgaria)
  • Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Body NRA, Sofia – ESTE EU, ESTE Kozloduy
  • Austrian BMK (the Crisis Centre of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Division V/8 – Radiation Protection, BMK, Vienna) – ESTE EU with module for Dukovany and Temelin
  • Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC) of International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA – ESTE Europe
  • Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia (delivered in the frame of the IAEA project)
  • IAEA, Safety Assessment Section – ESTE EU, ESTE Fukushima
  • Bushehr NPP – ESTE Bushehr, ESTE Annual Impacts Bushehr (delivered in the frame of the IAEA project)
  • Aramar Nuclear Facility - Centro Tecnológico da Marinha em São Paulo: Centro Industrial Nuclear de Aramar, Brazil (delivered in the frame of the IAEA project)
  • Czech Technical University FJFI ČVUT Prague – school version of ESTE EU
  • Slovak Technical University FEI STU Bratislava– school version of ESTE EU