Geodata and analyses

Meteorological data

Our systems apply meteorological data to calculate radiological impacts and model dispersion. The meteorological data are usually uploaded to the emergency response systems automatically (wind field, numerical weather prediction, current measurements from the site). 

Radiation measurements

The emergency response systems are connected online to the teledosimetric system (at the site and in the emergency planning zone).

Statistical data

Our systems use recent statistical data about population in individual municipalities, age composition of the population, information about food consumption, plant and animal production in the given locality.
Technological and radiation data

For a correct assessment of the situation, the emergency systems are connected online to technological and radiation data from the nuclear power plant. In case of exercise or training, it is possible to prepare a data scenario simulating the input data into the system.


Map layers

Map outputs contain the following vectors and rasters:

  • Corine layers (coverage of the territory of neighboring countries), which provide information on the basic types of land cover. The layers are obtained within the Corine Land Cover (CLC) project, which deals with mapping the land cover of European countries, using scenes from LANDSAT satellites. Examples are: layers of urban and industrial areas, layers of arable land, meadows and pastures, decidious, coniferous and mixed forests;
  • ESRI Data & Maps layers, which provide information on the course of the borders of the neighboring countries, the settlements, watercourses and areas and the basic road network of the neighboring countries; 
  • The layer European of nuclear power plants and research reactors (the author is ABmerit)
  • The Emergency Planning Zone of NPP 
  • The site of NPP
  • The products of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Bratislava
  • Roads - Slovakia
  • Urbans - Slovakia