Webinar ESTE - ESA Sen2Agri
Project of ABmerit Ltd., funded by and solved for European Space Agency (ESA):
ESA-Sen2Agri connection with ESTE
Workshop title: „ESA-Sen2Agri connection with ESTE“ – Workshop with ESTE Users.
Date: 9th of April 2021, 09:30-11:30 CET
Attendees: users of ESTE systems from Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, Slovenské elektrárne a.s. – Slovak nuclear power plant operator (NPP Bohunice, NPP Mochovce), JAVYS a.s. -Nuclear and Decommissioning company, State Office for Nuclear Safety of the Czech Republic
Workshop agenda:
- Introduction- description of online connection between ESTE systems and satellite imageries from ESA satellites Sentinel2 and Landsat8: ESA-Sen2Agri connection with ESTE.
- Information on ESA system: Sen2Agri
- Outputs and products of ESA Sen2Agro system for ESTE - agricultural crop types, Leaf Area Index, snow cover
- Demonstration of online connection ESTE Annual Impacts for impacts of routine operation and satellite imageries from Sentinel2 and Landsat8 data from ESA Sen2Agri. Presentation of ESTE AI results.
- Demonstration of online connection ESTE EU for emergency situation and satellite imageries from Sentinel2 and Landsat8 data from ESA Sen2Agri. Presentation of ESTE EU results.
Workshop language: Slovak
Workshop will be recorded - prestentation and records will be available after 9th April 2021 on this webpage.
Link for testing the connection to webinar (ZOOM) - test will be on 6th of April 2021, since 9:30 a.m.
Project description:
The Project is integrating the agricultural crop maps from Sen2Agri system into ESTE through specific Module which enable the ESTE user to operate the code ESTE with added information from ESA Sen2Agri. The project idea is in using the Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 imageries via ESA Sen2Agri processing system and utilizing the system results – near real time crop type maps in ESTE software. As the Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 satellite data are processed by open source Sen2Agri processing system, which was developed and validated in ESA funded project, it brings benefit of the Sentinel-2 mission products to ESTE system. The added value is in having ready-to-use newest crop map data (from 24/7 running Sen2Agri system) and bring it to the real operators of the ESTE system. The operators will have the information about distribution of crops and connecting to the ESTE radiological impact calculations the operators will gain the following important information:
- where to focus the monitoring of plants
- where are the areas potentially impacted by nuclear/radiological event
- which type of land cover is in the impacted area
- which type of crops were planted in the vicinity of nuclear facility during the year (for radiological impact assessment of routine discharges from nuclear facilities).